I've got some more game-dev stuff to show you (than tadzik did already)

I've got some more game-dev stuff to show you (than tadzik did already)

By Timo Paulssen (‎timotimo‎) from Karlsruhe.pm
Lightning talk
Target audience: Beginner
Language: English
Tags: cairo game gtk perl6

In this lightning talk I present a little space shooter game that I wrote in Perl 6 to explore Cairo vector graphics, the interaction between Gtk3 and Cairo and how to make it all work out with Rakudo.

The code can be found on github at this repository: https://github.com/timo/gtk_cairo_shooter

At the time of writing this, the code is in a somewhat messy state, as it has grown organically. I meant to focus on code structure, clarity and performance after adding more stuff to the screen would cause the game to become unplayably slow, but I didn't reach that point before the presentation.